Driving and Epilepsy

There are restrictions to driving if your seizures are uncontrolled. If epilepsy has been diagnosed, driving is generally not allowed until you have been seizure free for at least 6 months and you are under a physician’s care. If seizures return, contact your physician or nurse. The regulations are much stricter for professional drivers (e.g. driving passenger-carrying vehicles). Please contact the Association or your physician’s office for more information on obtaining a license other than a class 5.

Please note, there are provincial differences in regulations.

For detailed information on driving standards in each province or territory, contact the appropriate provincial regulatory agency. There are standards that apply specifically to epilepsy surgery, nocturnal epilepsy, withdrawal from or change in medication in collaboration with a physician, auras etc… The standards are developed nationally by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators but may be applied differently in each province. You can view the 2020 CCMTA Medical Standards for Drivers here.  Please note that the Standards address a range of medical conditions. The Standards relative to epilepsy begin in Chapter 17 and on page 206 (of the document).

You can also find additional information about Epilepsy And Driving at this link.  This is the updated page at the AHS website.

Please contact the EEA or your physician’s office for more information on driving regulations in Alberta.

Drivers are required by law to report any health problems that would interfere with driving, such as epilepsy, to the appropriate provincial regulatory agency.

If you are not eligible to drive, explore public transportation systems or taxi use. Some communities offer door-to-door transportation for individuals unable to use public transport due to a disability. Some travel companies provide free transportation for an escort capable of providing the required assistance if it is medically necessary. Friends or family may also be able to help.