Learn about causes of epilepsy, types of seizures and first aid by hosting or attending an educational in-service tailored to the specific needs of each group.
In-services are offered at no cost to schools for their teachers and students, community agencies for their staff and clients, group homes, nursing homes, senior citizen groups, youth groups, employers, emergency services staff, and any other interested group. People who attend our education programs tell us that we’ve “cleared up the myths”, that “I feel so much better about everything” and that they’ve “learned what to do if someone is having a seizure.”
They are available online as a webinar.
Contact our Education Coordinator, Sharon Otto at 780-488-9600, or email to arrange an in-service.
The Kids on the Block Puppet Program
Kids on the Block is a lively and entertaining no-cost educational program designed for children under the age of 12, which appeals to young and old alike! Life-like, child size puppets are made real through the special talents of our talented puppeteers. Brian, who has epilepsy, and his friends Nam and Joanne, all go to the same school. Together, they learn about seizures, first aid, medical tests to diagnose epilepsy and famous people with epilepsy.
The Kids on the Block Puppet Program is also available online as a webinar performance.
Learn more about the Kids on the Block Program here.
Contact our Education Coordinator, Sharon Otto at 780-488-9600, or email to arrange a visit from the Kids on the Block.
Public Forums
Public forums are held annually, usually in March or October, providing up-to-date information on a variety of issues that affect the lives of people with epilepsy. Past Public Forums have focused on: Employment, Seizure Triggers and Control, New Medications for Children and Youth with Epilepsy, Living with Epilepsy – a Personal Perspective and The Long Term Effects of Living with Epilepsy. Forums are held at either the University of Alberta Hospital or the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and are open to members, teachers, health care workers, community agency staff, and the general public. There is no cost to attend and refreshments are provided.
These will also be offered as online webinars.
Public Forum Archive
For an archive of previous EEA Public Forums, click here.