Families’ Online Conversations (FOCs)

Welcome to the EEA families Online Conversations – FOCs. The EEA is proud to open its 2021-2022 season of offerings of the Families Online Conversations!

This unique program offers the opportunities to families, living with children diagnosed with epilepsy, to get together, online, discuss challenges, share tips and learn from specialists, all sorts of information and helpful tools. The sessions run the last Thursday of each month (we skip December and February) and can be accessed by registering to the online links below. After our pilot project in early 2021, we are resuming our sessions with a schedule filled with great topics. 


  • Offer a unique and safe space for families of children living with epilepsy to come together, share their experiences
  • Allow participating families to select topics of interest to explore through invitations to special guests and collaborating agencies
  • Build community through conversations, understanding and sharing of experiences


The sessions are first offered to member families of the EEA and the EAC. However we open sessions to anyone, who can learn about our associations and decide to join us and become a member. 


This season we will run the following sessions and discuss topics as listed below. the September through November dates will run as discussion groups, and the sessions in 2022 will offer access to specialists for the topics discussed during the fall. Sessions start at 7:00 and end at 8:30 p.m.

FALL 2021

During these sessions families discuss ideas. Each completed session contains an infographic summary of the topics discussed. 


During these sessions experts, specialists and other presenters lead the conversation. Click on the date to register.


Find below links to our past sessions, offered in early 2021.

  • JAN 28 |   Click here for a summary of what we talked about during this session.        
  • FEB 18  |This session will cover children with epilepsy and the ketogenic diet.  Session Poster
  • MAR 25 | This session will cover neuropsychology challenges for children living with epilepsy. The key presenter with be Dr. Thomas Snyder, Neuropsychologist at the Stollery/University of Alberta.  Click here for a page filled with resources about this topic for parents and guardians.
  • APR 29 | This session will explore ways in which parents can advocate for their children in schools, to educate about epilepsy, create awareness and seek support.  Click here for a poster summary of the session.       
  • MAY 27   (session cancelled)            
  • JUN 24
Click here for the FOCs brochure.